Acne breakouts and other skin issues are common among teenagers due to hormonal changes. These skin issues are also common in adult life based on further hormonal changes, diet, lifestyle, and other factors.
So if you are experiencing this inflammation, you want to know how long it will last. How long does it take for skin to clear up?
It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks for skin to clear up from acne or other inflammation. This is the time it would take if you are following a good skin care routine with the right products.
If you have a more severe case of acne or inflammation, it can take longer than 6 weeks for the skin to clear.
Your skin cells regenerate from the bottom and work their way up to the upper part of your skin. This regeneration process takes about 4-6 weeks.
So, in some cases, you may have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to see results as new skin cells replace the old. Your patience and consistency in following a proper skin care routine are important to see results faster.
Keep reading to learn more about how long it takes for skin to clear up and how to make it clear faster!
Also, for an excellent cleansing device, take a look at our top pick, the Michael Todd Beauty – Soniclear Petite – Facial Cleansing Brush System:
Click here to see it on Amazon.
How Long Does It Take for Skin to Clear Up?
Acne is often triggered when your pores are clogged with oil as well as dead skin cells. Other common causes of acne include general skin irritation, hormonal changes, and the build-up of germs on the skin surface.
It is important to define first what the cause of your acne is before you apply any treatment.
Often acne and other inflammation clear up on their own within 4 weeks after starting treatment. If you change products, your skin may need to adjust to the new product, and this could cause purging.
Purging is where your skin breaks out after you start using a new product. This would extend the time it takes for your skin to clear.
So be consistent, from the moment you have a breakout, stick with a product that has worked for you before, and stick with a good skincare routine. If you do this, your skin should clear up as soon as 4 weeks.
For more severe cases of acne or other skin disease breakouts like eczema or psoriasis flare-ups, it can take longer, up to 6 weeks, or several months for the skin to clear. If your skin is not clearing up after 4 weeks, see a doctor who can better assess your issue and the right treatment.
How to Clear Up Your Skin Faster
There are many different ways on how to clear up your skin faster. Below are my top 8 simple ways to help you get the clear skin you’re waiting for.
Wash Your Face Before Bedtime
No matter how tired you are during the day, you should never miss washing your face before going to sleep. You can clean your face using a face wash or cleansing wipes.
Washing your face should take up to 30-60 seconds long to properly clean the dirt and oil off your face. Do not leave any cleanser residue because you will also leave dirt and oil on your face. Use hot water to dry out your skin, and to close your pores, use cold water.
For an extra clean and exfoliated face, try the Michael Todd Beauty – Soniclear Petite – Facial Cleansing Brush System from Amazon:
Click here to see it on Amazon.
There are 3 types to choose from for each skin type. It makes it a breeze to remove dirt, dead skin, and makeup off your skin. It can help clear your skin faster and prevent future breakouts and flare-ups.
Exfoliate Your Skin
Before you exfoliate, you have to wash your face first with a mild face wash. Then apply an exfoliator (we recommend exfoliators that have alpha hydroxy and lactic acids) by gently massaging it onto your face. The main purpose of an exfoliator is to take out all the dirt and oil that are buried inside your pores.
Try the LACTIC Acid 35% Skin Chemical Peel from Amazon for a gentle, chemical exfoliant.
Click here to see it on Amazon.
It gets rid of dead skin cells and brightens and tones, allowing your skin to heal and clear up faster.
Apply Moisturizer
Moisturizers are important because they will heal your skin from the harsh weather or environment. They also protect your skin from chemicals or irritants that are exposed to your skin. And they hydrate your skin, preventing it from drying out breaking out. Choose an oil-absorbing moisturizer or a moisturizer that can remove excess oil from your face.
Try the Malin + Goetz Vitamin E Face Moisturizer from Amazon for a moisturizer with fatty acids, vitamins E, B5, and soothing chamomile. It is lightweight and hydrating, all while nourishing and balancing your skin’s pH.
Click here to see it on Amazon.
Be Gentle on Your Face
Do not scrub your face too hard. Avoid using harsh scrubs on your face because it can cause irritation and can be too rough on your skin. If you want to use your hands, make sure that they’re clean, or else you’ll just transfer all the dirt and oil back to your face.
You can also use a cleansing brush when washing your face, like the FORNEO brush mentioned above, to help clear your skin faster. Those tiny silicone bristles can go through those tiny pores and will get those oil off your face. Use every other day or every day if your skin is not irritated.
Do Not Over Wash
Washing your face again after you’ve just washed it just because you think there’s still oil on your face will only produce more oil. So, instead of washing again, use a good gentle cleanser to clean your face.
You can splash some water after if there is still residue leftover, but do not do a full 2nd cleansing as that will strip your skin of natural oils and will take longer to clear your skin.
Wash Face After Bedtime
Washing your face after bedtime is as important as washing your face before bedtime. Why? Because your pillowcase will catch all the hair products, you applied on your hair as well as your sweat, and therefore, will transfer it to your face.
And when you leave your face unwashed, you’ll surely have clogged pores throughout the day, which will make it difficult to clear your skin sooner.
Change Your Pillowcase
Changing your pillowcase every few days is also a great way to help clear your skin faster. Or flip your pillow over, so you use one side one night, then the other side the next night. Then replace the pillowcase on the third night. You won’t be introducing your skin to new toxins on an old pillowcase every night.
Hands and Hair Off Your Face
Avoid touching your face regularly because the dirt on your hands can transfer to your face. If you want to clear your skin up in a shorter amount of time, do not rest on your hand on your chin or cheeks when you’re bored.
The same goes for your hair. Try not to let your hair touch your face, especially when you are using hair products, as it will irritate your skin. Not only can hair products irritate your skin, but sweat and germs can be a factor too.
When you exercise, tie your hair up or when you have bangs, make sure to fix it with a headband.
Do Not Pop Zits
Never pop your pimples or zits, as it will cause infections. Instead, apply a sulfur remedy on the zit every morning and night time until it’s gone. If you have a whitehead with a clear white tip showing, lay a damp cloth on it to let it soften. Then prick it with a sterile needle and gently squeeze.
Still wondering how long does it take for skin to clear up, as well as tips to clear your skin faster? See the below video which goes into more detail:
How Long to See Results with Different Skin Care Products

There are zero skin care products that can give you an immediate or overnight result. You will have to wait for weeks, even months, for your skin to fully clear.
As mentioned earlier, it will take about more or less 4 to 6 weeks before you can see results or changes on your skin, depending on how light or severe your acne is. But in general, it will take about a month of following a consistent routine before you are able to start clearing your skin of a breakout.
Below are the skin care products most of us use and the number of waiting days before you can see the results on your skin.
Effects of serums will take about 6 to 8 weeks of regular use. Results for this serums can be achieved even sooner because it has active ingredients that will alter the function and formation of the skin.
Try the Meaningful Beauty Beyond Youth Activating Melon Serum from Amazon that contains powerful melon leaf stem cells to help rejuvenate the skin, as well as make it look and feel younger:
Click here to see it on Amazon.
A serum with powerful ingredients like this can speed up the healing process and clear your skin much faster.
Eye Cream
You will see results in 6 to 8 weeks with most eye creams. Eye creams should increase the firmness of your skin under the eye and rehydrate the dried-out skin around your eye area.
If the product you bought from any drugstore did not give you results within this week, it’s time to get rid of it and find a new one.
Cleansers do not stay on your face since you are washing it off after application; therefore, you won’t really see any major results other than it just cleanses your face.
However, if you have blemishes or have dry and dull skin because of not washing your face regularly, then a religious use of cleansers within a month can provide you some results.
Click here to see it on Amazon.
Try the VENeffect Pore Minimizing Cleanser from Amazon gently cleanses, reduces the appearance of pore size, and clears the skin up from inflammation and acne break-outs.
Whether you have oily skin or have acne-prone skin, moisturizers are a must-have. You’ll see results in applying moisturizers in about 1 to 2 weeks of steady use.
Retinols can get rid of acne and other skin problems quite fast. On the first week of application, you will start peeling and will see results really soon. But it will also depend on the severity of your acne.
Retinols bought over-the-counter can provide results within 10 weeks of regular use, while retinols prescribed by dermatologists can take effect within 4 to 6 weeks.
The immediate effect of masks can be seen in terms of giving you a soft and smooth texture and tone on your skin. To fully get rid of your blemishes or acne, you will have to wait for about 6 weeks or so.
If you suffer from hyper-pigmentation, then use a mask that has glycolic or lactic acid as an ingredient.
Exfoliating brushes
You will see results in 2 to 3 weeks with exfoliating brushes. If you do not see any improvement on your skin within this period, then the kind of exfoliating brush you have will not work at all.
And if your skin gets bad, your brush is either too stiff, or you are over-exfoliating and should discontinue using the brush immediately.
Conclusion – How Long Does It Take for Skin to Clear Up?
How long does it take for skin to clear up? For most types of skin inflammation, it will take about 4 to 6 weeks before your skin starts to clear up. The time it takes will, of course, vary depending on the type of skin problem you have, the severity of your acne, and the skincare products you are using.
The key to having clear skin is to actively, carefully, and earnestly clean your face and use the correct skincare product for your type of skin problem. It is also a good idea to see a dermatologist to properly examine your skin, teach you how to treat, and prescribe you the right skincare product for your skin problem.
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